Capturing oscilloscope pattern of ABS relay with two channel oscilloscope.
We used two pin probed to connect to power side of the relays.
ABS main relay number K38 and ABS motor relay number K100

On this graph we can see ABS ECU relay self check when its firs turned on (top graph on the photo).
Also we can see that ECU check ABS pump, it triggers it as power goes to 12 volts and them we can see osculation as the pump stops (bottom graph)
This first self checks required as the car which has got ABS system in it also have an ABS warning light, this is for the driver to inform of the conditions of ABS system. If light goes off in around 5 seconds after the car first time started, it means the system normal and in working conditions. When light stays on constantly this will mean system faulty and need attention and will not work until fixed.

There was two relay patterns and tests one for the main relay and one for the pump relay, the patterns are different hence why there is two. your explanation is not detailed enough for the patterns you have, i expected each change in the pattern to be explained, why it changed and how it affected the other trace.again this is feed back no extra work required.